The PFD Group
The Partnerships for Finance and Development (PFD Group) is a global network of experts, with three main business functions:
- Support its clients to participate and implement projects funded by targeted International Financial Institutions (IFIs) for supplies, works and service.
- Tender together with clients and jointly implement projects funded by the IFIs.
- Mobilize required equity and non-recourse project finance from the World Bank’s IFC, other IFIs & private sources for specific projects (or groups of projects) based on innovative financing solutions.
With its number of partnerships continuously growing, the PFD Group offers its clients a global network to form robust consortia.
A Worldwide Partnership of Local Consultants and Representatives
The PFD Group has struck strategic partnerships around the globe to better assess local opportunities and practices and, identify the most qualified local partners for our clients..
Working Relationships With Private Sector Experts
The PFD Group, through its partnership arrangements, has expanded its clients’ base with private sector companies to include companies specialized in health, social security and pension reform, engineering, construction and environment. This gives our clients access to a pool of potential partners with expertise in roads, rail, ports, power generation and transmission, tunnels, bridges, water/sanitation, and irrigation – all of which are targeted to become growth sectors worldwide.
dgMarket (Development Gateway Market)
The PFD Group is the main channel in Turkey and Greece of dgMarket — a web-based solution giving access to all current requests for expressions of interest (EOIs) and tenders (over 45,000) financed by the IFIs. This is an invaluable tool for companies seeking out bid opportunities and partners. Both dgMarket sites are managed by our local partners, updated daily and offered in the local languages (Turkish and Greek respectively).
Members and Contacts
The PFD Group
818 18th Street, NW Suite 950
Washington, D.C. 20006 – USA
Tel: +1 202 785-0052
Fax + 1 202 521-0596
Email: inquiries@pfdusllc.com
TAS Europrojects
49 rue de Treves
1040 Bruxelles, Belgique
Tel: + 32 2 230-5950
Fax: + 32 2 230-7035
Email: tas@taseuro.com
Web: www.taseuro.com
International development partners & Associates
818 18th Street, NW Suite 950
Washington, D.C. 20006 – USA
Tel: +1 202 785-0052
Fax: +1 202521-0596
Email: inquiries@pfdusllc.com
Proje ve Finansman Danismanlik
Tersane Caddesi Celik Han No:30 Kat:8
34420 Karakoy Istanbul, Turkey
Tel: +90 212 253 94 88
Fax: + 90 212 253 94 87
GSM: + 90 0532 271 08 75
Email: info@pfdconsulting.com
IQ Management Consultancy Group
56,Gamaat El Dowal El Arabeya Street,
Mohandeseen, Giza (Cairo) Egypt
Tel: +202 749 2542
Fax: +202 337 6078
Email: iq@mcgroup.com.eg
Web: www.iqconsulting-eg.org
MMIS Management Consultants
Jabal Amman, 3rd Circle
Al-Riyadh Center, 5th Floor
P.O. Box 7976
Amman 11118 Jordan
Tel: + 962 6 4649040
Fax: + 962 6 4649041
Email: info@mmis.net
Web: www.mmis.net
Infrastructure Professionals Entreprise
B-84, Defence Colony,
New Delhi-110024
Phone No:+91-11- 4075 5900
Fax No: +91-11- 2433 9534
Email: ipe@ipeglobal.com
Web: www.ipeglobal.com
Survey Research Group of Bangladesh
House 12, Road 2/A (Chaimanbari), Banani,
Dhaka – 1213, Bangladesh
Tel: +880 2 9851853
Fax: +880 2 9871436
GSM: +1 202 460-1908
Email: srgb@btcl.net.bd
Email: srgbangladesh@gmail.com
Web: www.srgb.org