Overall Objective
To ensure a better quality of public sanitation services in the licensed area, application of strategic thinking and specific provisions in order to better circumscribe the legal, tariff, social, technical and institutional issues
Specific Objective
Technical assistance to the Ministry of water and sanitation for the realization of a feasibility study and for the implementation of a service contract between ONAS and a private operator for the management of the wastewater and sewage networks Type of services TAS was directly responsible for the technical, economic and financial analysis of the study.
- Estimation of the actual base of the collective sanitation fee;
- Analysis of current and forecasted operating expenses, the cost of infrastructure renewal by less than 15 years lifetime, and the cash position of ONAS (volumes collected, treated, electricity consumption, personal, reagents, fuel etc.)
- Simulations for the update of the financial model of the ONAS
- Estimation of the fee average level that would lead to a situation of structural financial balance in the issuance of quality sanitation services.
- Evaluation of the different alternatives from a technical, economic and financial point of view and recommendations